WIP Wednesday Audio Books and Knitting

Anyone who knows me, or has read a post of two of mine, knows that I not only love all things about knitting and crocheting, I also love all things about books. One of my favorite – or I should say two of my favorite things to do in my spare time is to read and knit. I know, you are all saying, “duh, thanks for the peek into your inner self what that revelation. NOT!”. But have you ever read AND knit at the same time? Nirvana!!! LOL for me anyway.

This week I’ve finished a couple of audio books and a few projects. The NICU hats are making another appearance this week. I’ve finished 2 blue and a pink.

5.20.15 pink and blue bears


In the last few weeks I’ve finished 10 of them, so I’m taking a few weeks weeks off from baby bears and hopefully finish my shawl and the blue & yellow blanket that got shelved to make the pink one.

5.20.15 possum shawl


It is hard to see the shawl because I can’t spread it out any more because I’d risk dropping stitches off the tips of my circulars. In this pic the top of the shawl is on the bottom left. It is zipping right along. I’m happy with my progress as well as the way the pattern is working up.

Regarding the audio books I finish, the first I have been listening to for several weeks. Alan Turing: The Enigma is a really, really long and sometimes way too technical book. But it is also a heart wrenching look at a man who has not fit into the society he was born into and spends his life playing an “imitation game” (his words) to fit in as best he can. The magnificent film based upon this book is tragic in the triumph Turing being instrumental in solving the enigma code, yet never able to be true to himself.

The book was a bit too technical for a laymen like me, but I did enjoy it. The letters Alan wrote to family and friends gave me a glimpse into this brilliant man. I was thankful that it was an audio book because I enjoyed it more not having to read all of the slower parts.



(picture from audible.com)

The next book I finished was #GIRLBOSS Sophia Amoruso’s how to succeed in business on your own terms. She advises hard work and being at the right place at the right time. There are some great tips for doing your best in a job interview. If you are planning a job change Amoruso’s book could really help you rise to the top of the list if you follow some of her tips.


(picture from Amazon.com)

So it has been a good week. Hope you all had a good week too.


Filed under baby hats, blanket, Book Review, books, shawl, WIP Wednesday

4 responses to “WIP Wednesday Audio Books and Knitting

  1. Enjoyed reading your post! I’ve never tried audio books AND knit/crochet – interesting idea; my mind wanders a LOT while crafting – might be a good idea to bring me back to reality, eh?
    I want to see the movie “The Enigma Code” – first, LOVE Benedict Cumberbatch, and also love biographies (thanks for the hint on the book!). Also want to see the movie “The Theory of Everything” about Stephen Hawking; getting a small glimpse of brilliant people fascinates me.
    LOVE your shawl pattern! VERY NICE – keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The NICU hats were SO cute in pink and blue. They really should not need so many. Hurts the heart that they do. I love the look of the shawl. Anxious to see it finished.
    Books, I’m obsessed. I have done lots of audio books. Some kindle books come with an audio version. My last one was The Field by Lynn McTaggart. It’s also very scientific and takes some concentration which is why I haven’t finished it yet. I love audio books. I tend to read a lot of fluffy little mysteries at the end of the day so they don’t follow me to sleep. I read so much that I don’t even have time to update my spreed sheet for my books. At least Amazon keeps track of what I bought already. As for Alan Turing, I know his story. It is so heartbreaking and he was so brilliant. Hope to see what you have next.

    Liked by 1 person

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