Book Review: Find Me In California – Read This Book!!

By Kerry Lonsdale

Find Me In California

Massage therapist Julia is exhausted. She has been burning the candle at both ends and is almost at the end of the frayed rope her life has been hanging on. Her beloved grandmother, Mama Rose, is in a nursing home, diagnosed with dementia. In exchange for a portion of the expensive fees, Julia volunteers working a shift at the desk answering the phone and helping with the residents. She works as a paid massage therapist for the facility in addition to her day job as a message therapist. Unfortunately, the nursing home has been sold to a different company. With the new administration, new rules are set in stone. No more discounts for volunteers.

Mama Rose, isn’t the only one that has to leave. Sadly, there are other residents that will have to leave as well. Liza’s only family member lives far away. As a gesture of good will, Julia packs up Liza’s belongings and sends them to her only know relative, a grandson, Matt. At one time, Liza was been her mother’s best friend. For some reason the women are no longer close. Perhaps something happened long ago, or maybe it is just the dementia her grandmother was cursed with.  

Either way, her act of kindness falls on deaf ears. Matt is a busy photographer and has nothing but bad memories of his time living with Liza after the death of his parents. But deep down he knows he has to go to help his grandmother, just long enough to put her into another facility. His plan is to to fly in, take care of business, and get back to his life. But life takes a U-turn without forewarning. Matt has to drive instead of fly. The trip becomes as magical mystery tour due to the edibles he takes to abate his pounding headache. The only thing that keeps him going is Julia’s phone calls. But the biggest unspoken question that is on both of their minds, is what is really going to happen to all of them?

I loved this book so much I read it in two days. The twists and turns of their lives as well as the choices the characters made kept me on the edge of my chair, reading “just one more chapter” until the last page.

Kerry Lonsdale is one of my favorite authors. I have read all of her books and each one has touched me, made me think and entertained me. Her writing style is easy to read, her characters are fully developed and interesting no matter if they are good, bad or somewhere in between. I highly recommend this book (as well as her other books). She is an award-winning author and her books have been Amazon Editors’ Picks. Her novels have been translated into twenty-seven languages and she is a founder of the Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association.

DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION: I have a material connection because I received a review copy for free from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. Copyright © 2024 Laura Hartman

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